Worlds First AI Powered DeFi Lending Circle, Backed By Collateralized NFTs

Sign up for the Airdrop by confirming your email and participate in the minting of Rotacash JASPER NFT .


50,000 NFT Airdrop And Minting Campaign

In the spirit of Satoshi Nakamoto, we are Airdroping 40, 000,000 $ROTA Tokens to all unique emails and wallet addresses that will participate in minting Our Unique JASPER NFT . A total of 50,000 JASPER NFT will be available for mint, and for each completed 1 JASPER NFT Mint, + 2000 $ROTA tokens will be Airdropped and additional 500 $ROTA for each successful referral minting after the campaign snapshot.

More NFT Test Minting per wallet, More Token earnings

Your JASPER NFT Are your ticket to daily earnings and Zero Interest Loan credits on the Rotacash Ecosystem

Your NFT in your wallet instantly, your tokens allocation distribution after fairlunch before listings.
